Here is where your child will start to make their transition from preschool to kindergarten.
Our Thriving 4s preschool program is specifically designed to best equip children for this new and exciting chapter, introducing them to the full day of learning and expanding their knowledge in subjects like mathematics, language arts and sciences.

Children will work on:
- Advanced pre-writing skills
- Pre-reading skills
- Pre-math skills
- Advanced practical life skills
- Engaging in conversation and discussions

We believe that this stage in a child’s life is an equally important step in further developingpositive personal identity and self-esteem. Our program aims to encourage the development ofcreativity and self-expression through:
- Independent writing
- Team games and activities
- Show and Tell presentations
- Exploring different art techniques and mediums
- Mindfulness exercises

At Talents123, we pride ourselves on personalized programs.
Every child is different, and our approach is focused on building on the unique strengths and needs of all our children.